The mission of the O2 Network is to breathe life into leaders. We are a relational network who values authentic Kingdom relationships. We realize everyone has different network connection needs depending on their context. We have updated our Connection Points to two levels to help define expectations and help us serve each other.

Historically, we had three levels that included the FRIENDS level. Because we encourage an open and welcoming culture for new people, this list is extremely large and doesn’t need personal care, but will be added to the mailing list for broader events. From this point forward to simplify we will officially have only two connection points: Family and Fellowship.

At the Fellowship level we relate “with” one another in a mutual commitment. You are stating you value your connection with O2, but most likely have a secondary relationship (denomination or specific oversight) who is your primary covering. You still value the relationship in O2 and want to connect and contribute. At the Family level, we are not just connected, but related. You value O2 as your Primary Spiritual Connection, Apostolic and Prophetic insight and desire to add to the life and health of the Network. Family churches will likely have other secondary relationships (which is encouraged), but prioritize their relationship with O2.

Connection points


We are Related (covenant) 

  • Primary Relationship  

  • Place to Belong 

    • A major paradigm shift happens: reproductive in nature working together for the family

    • Based on – how can we work together to help us all grow stronger

  • From O2

    • Spiritual Covering

    • Licensing / Ordination of Senior & Key Leaders

    • Support in Crisis (Conflict Resolution, Loss, Illness)

    • Apostolic (strategic) / Prophetic (vision) Input

    • Speaking / Ministry Priority

    • Wellness Checks (Support for spiritual health, sabbaticals)

    • Coaching / Mentoring Opportunities

    • Annual Strategic Planning Support if desired

    • Pastoral Care (Pastors need pastors)

    • Benefit of modeling to your church/ministry that you are connected/investing in something bigger than yourself with global Kingdom connections.

    • Priority Access to Key Events & Leaders

    • Conferences / Gatherings / Webinars / Intensives / Discounted Pricing

    • Personalized Support / Training / Expertise

    • Connect you with resources that help with systems, procedures, ministries as needed

    • Provide Connection for Personal / Family Support

    • Opportunities to connect, invest, coach and help others in O2

    From Churches / Ministers

    • Prioritize O2 events and commit involvement

    • Engage & involve your teams, staff, influence for network growth & success

    • Financial Investment – Monthly Contribution

    • Churches – Suggested 2% (This is a goal point and can be personally discussed.)

    • Minsters (if not with church) – tithe to network (% can be discussed)

    • Para-church Ministry / Individuals ($100-month minimum)


We relate “with” the network (committed) 

  • Secondary Relationship 

  • Place to Become 

  • From O2

    • Pastoral Care (Pastors need pastors!)

    • Benefit of modeling to your church/ministry that you are connected/investing in something bigger than yourself with global Kingdom connections.

    • Special Access to Key Events (Conferences / Gatherings / Webinars / Intensives / Retreats)

    • Connection with other Leaders

    • Coaching / Mentoring Opportunities

    From Churches / Ministers

    • Be involved and committed to O2 events

    • Financially commit monthly contribution. (Can discuss based on the size of the church.)

*Individual Minister Level

We realize in some situations a Minister / Leader may be a part of a church that’s governed by a denomination and not allow the church to officially connect to the network. In those cases, we are open to ministers connecting without their church/non-profit being involved.

Licensing and Ordination

O2 Network will license and ordain ministers. There is an individualized pathway for ministers depending on education and experience. All ministers will participate in a Wellness Check annually and discuss growth / health points with a member of the O2 leadership team. There is an annual $300 admin fee plus a monthly tithe percentage (50% - Sr. Leader / 25% - staff) unless a FAMILY level church, then no additional cost after the annual fee. (This can be discussed based on individual situations.)